According to the 2013 Arbitron Out-of-Home Advertising Study, we are spending even more time;out of home, more than 89% of U.S. residents aged 18 or older are exposed to Outdoor Advertising each day. Outdoor Advertising reaches consumers 24/7, during their daily commute, on their lunch and throughout shopping trips. Out-of-Home is often the last message a consumer receives before making a service or buying decision. Today’s consumers are increasingly mobile 70% of their waking hours are spent away from home and with Out-of-Home ads whether in their cars, riding mass transit, on foot or at the point-of-sale.
Nearly three-quarters of outdoor viewers shop on their way home from work; more than two-thirds make their shopping decisions while in the car and more than one-third make the decision to shop at the store while on their way home, all times when outdoor advertising has the opportunity to influence purchasing and service decisions.